University of Lampung的简介

Officially established in 1965 based on the decree of Minister of Higher Education and Science on September 23, 1965, the University of Lampung is a state institution that makes distinctive contributions to society in research and teaching, and public service.
Initially, the university gad two faculties, i.e. Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics. Subsequently, some other faculties were established. Faulty of Teacher Training and Education were established on 1968, Faculty of Agriculture in 1973, Faculty of Engineering in 1978, Faculty of Social and Political Science in 1995, Faculty of Math and Science 1995. School of Medicine was opened in 2002 under Faculty of Math and Science, and it has been independent as faculty since 2011. The university strives to become among the best universities in the country. There are 1163 lectures, 80.3% of them holding graduate degrees from various universities in the country and abroad. In the succeeding years, the university has grown progressively to be a reputable full-sized comprehensive university. Currently, the University of covering 2 doctoral program, 32 master program, 43 undergraduate program, 2 professional program and 12 diploma programs nearly all in the areas of study.
The quality of the university has attracted students from other provinces in the country and increases student’s enrollment. Currently, the student population is about 30.510. in 2015/2016 only 5.7% pf the applicants who were interested in studying in the university were accepted. Outside Java, this competitiveness has been considered very high. It is recorded that students of the university have come from 23 provinces in Indonesia.